Wednesday 25 April 2012

The next piece i would like to show is one that i have also worked on fairly recently and  feel i gained a lot out of it. During december, i started looking at the briefs on both D&AD and YCN. Most of the briefs did not strike me as something that would interest me throughout the research and development stages. The one that did catch my eye however was for the magazine Little White Lies. The brief asked for one cover that represented one of the films stated. the options were: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, Super 8, The Tree of Life, Drive and The Black Swan. The choice in itself was quite easy in itself, as i am fascinated my cars and instantly chose Drive. The final piece i have created is somewhat of a contradiction, at the start of the film, one of the important characters says "no one will be watching you" which, towards the end is proven to be incorrect. I found this whole project to be quite challenging, as illustration is not particularly my strong point, but it is correct to say that i have learnt a lot from it.

Hi all!

 Its been a while since i created this blog and as of yet, have not posted anything. This is due to working fairly solidly on coursework. I am getting to the stage in which i am seeing my work come together nicely. The branding is coming on well, i feel, i have started making headway on my portfolio pdf cd sleeve which is starting to look good and goes well with the whole brand identity. I am now going to update you with some of the aspects that i have created for my self branding. Firstly is the box in which i plan to send out to prospective employers. This will hold all of the aspects such as my business card, cover letter, C.V, and inspiration booklet.